Petrol prices rise with inflation (and sometimes without) so, it isn’t surprising that we all want to get the most out of that expensive tank of fuel. Here are our tips on how to improve your fuel economy.

  1. Avoid doing many short trips where possible, particularly those which do not allow the engine to warm up. Combining several small trips will give the engine time to reach peak efficiency making better use of the fuel.
  2. Pay attention to the speed limit. Most engines are designed to operate most efficiently at speeds commonly in use in the region they are intended for. The majority of cars designed to operate most efficiently within mandated speed restrictions, usually approximately 55 – 95 Km/h.
  3. Seriously, for better fuel economy, drive within the legal speed limit. It is estimated that for every 10km per hour beyond 95 km/h, you use at least 12% more fuel. This means you will be consuming a whopping 18% more fuel travelling at 110 km/h and that jumps when you begin to break the speed limit.
  4. Drive sensibly, avoiding heavy accelerating, excessive braking and constant speeding. This style of driving wastes as much as 33% more fuel, it increases wear and tear on your car and is also dangerous.
  5. Cruise control can help on long flat stretches. The ability to maintain a constant speed over very long distances will lower fuel consumption.
  6. Regular car servicing can dramatically increase efficiency and lower fuel consumption by ensuring that critical systems of your car are operating at peak performance levels.
  7. Avoid carrying excess weight. Every kilogram of you carry will increase the amount of fuel you use. If you really don’t need to be carrying it, take it out of the car.
  8. Making sure that your tyres are correctly inflated for the type of driving you are doing can help reduce fuel consumption. Most owners manuals recommend higher tyre pressures for fully loaded vehicles.